Jeez, all this hoopla in the media about a launch 50 years ago and no mention of our stupendous RV launch tomorrow. Just kidding, of course. I have vivid boyhood memories of watching Neil and Buzz on a grainy small b&w television. I was amazed and inspired watching them bounce around on the moon! Kudos to all the members of the Apollo project and the giant step they made for mankind.
Our more humble explorations begin tomorrow. As expected, today has been very hectic. The RV was in the shop yesterday and part of this morning for last minute repairs so that we couldn’t start packing until around 1 pm today. But we had everything ready and with a lot of hard work (in extreme heat and dodging a rain storm), we are finally ready. Our house and cat sitter, Will, arrived late afternoon and was helpful in getting the car hitched and the bikes loaded. We’re exhausted and heading to bed soon, but at the same time, are excited about our mid-morning departure tomorrow.