Friday, May 13, 2022
You Have Arrived |
A hand-painted sign with a well-weathered and shredded U.S. flag marked the entrance. We turned into the campground, parked and were unhitching the car as our hostess with her man approached driving her car from a nearby trailer. She was Brenda, “not Paula that Jane had spoken to on the phone and who was in California but sometimes went to Australia, but I have to take care of the RV park, it rained 7.5 inches recently, my man couldn’t mow the grass but he did mow that site, I like to know the number of vehicles and people and if they have pets and the hookups they need, we have someone coming on the 18th and 23rd and ….”. Brenda was a chain-smoking chain-talker. Only one of the several campsites was being used (by an unoccupied rig that had obviously been around awhile). Eventually Brenda decided that we should set up in the shady site that had already been mowed, Site 0.
The Kindness of Strangers |
After hooking up the RV, we decided to drive to Robbers Cave State Park on the other side of Wilburton. We dropped by the trailer on the way out to pick up our receipt for the $25 (cash only) that Jane had already given Brenda. “Oh, I was just finishing the receipt, I like to put my name and phone number on it .” Brenda greeted me at the door and began chain-talking as she returned to a small table and continued hand writing a receipt on a piece of notebook paper. “We had 7.5 inches of rain here but over in, honey how far is it, 20 miles no I think its 27 miles, they had 10 inches.” The chain-talking continued while she folded the paper in half, licked the crease and carefully tore the paper into halves. As I heard Jane turning the car around I interjected that I needed to dash before my wife left me. “I know you do, do you remember the way I told you to get there, I don’t use any technical devices, sorry that the grass wasn’t mowed , enjoy your stay.” Brenda continued to chain-talk as I gingerly took the receipt and said goodbye. I felt guilty leaving because she would only have her man to chain-talk to and I surmised that he wasn’t a very attentive chain-listener.
We managed to find Robbers Cave State Park entering near beautiful Lake Carlton. We parked
the car in the trail parking lot and after briefly surveying the information board, followed what we thought was the trail to the cave. After an ascent through rocky rubble the trail improved and we we were walking through woodland. We proceeded via trial and error as the trail markings were ambiguous. We finally stumbled on a high rugged outcropping of cave-ish looking enormous boulders that we climbed over and then descended through into an area designated Rock Corral. After emerging through a tight squeeze we realized that we were back near the parking lot after about a 1.5-2 mile hike. We studied the information board again, more attentively this time, and realized that Robbers Cave was just across the grassy area and around a large boulder a few hundred yards from the parking area. We proceeded to the cave entrance but the climb to it was too challenging for a couple of worn out seniors to reach.King of the Mountain |
A Tight Squeeze |
Happy birthday, John, from Steph & John. You had a most memorable day, especially thanks to chain talking Brenda.
Hahaha. You're right. Thanks, Steph.& John, – John
Glad you didn't bump your head!
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