Friday, April 19, 2024
We’ve been scurrying aorund for awhile now preparing for our next adventure. Tomorrow, we’ll be rolling out in our motorhome for a two-month journey to the U.S. West. Despite, having traveled to all seven continents, neither Rambling Jane nor Rambling John have visited our country’s most iconic natural treasure, The Grand Canyon. During this pilgramage, we hope to rectify our travel deficiency by visitng both the South and North Rims. We’ll also take advantage of our location to visit other national parks, Las Vegas, Jane’s sister (near Denver), and on the return trip, have some maintenance and improvements made on our Winnegabo View motorhome at a dealership near its birthplace in Forest City, Iowa.
BTW, we have moved our website from Blogger to a Blue Host site with a new domain name: We anticipate that this will make it easier to blog and post pictures and also provide more flexibility in our webstie design.
You can review our planned itinerary and route maps.
Well, it’s back to getting ready for tomorrow’s launch. Stay tuned …
Ramble on!
Safe travels. I look forward to reading all about it.