Across the Finish Line

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The final familiar leg of the trip home went smoothly. We stopped twice, for fuel first, and later to eat a quick lunch at a rest area. At the beginning of the trip, Zorro was alert watching the cars and scenery zip past, but eventually he settled down in Jane’s lap and napped. By some mysterious feline instict, Zorro always knows when we turn into our neighborhood and on this trip, too, he sat up and watched alertly as we approached our house where we parked on the road in front to unhitch the toad. Then, Jane drove the car up the driveway and parked in our garage. I drove the RV up to the front of the house for unloading and let Zorro out. He instantly recognized the front garden and was soon sniffing his way around it enjoying his freedom to explore outdoors. 

Although we had a great trip, it was, as usual, great to be home again. Now it’s time for us to unpack, do laundry, sort through a heap of mail, and generally get accustomed to stationary living. But we’ll no doubt soon be planning our upcoming travel adventures. 

Happy trails,

Ramblin’ Jane & John

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