When I was a young boy, I dreamed of growing up to become a hobo. Well, somehow life got in the way of my dreams and I spent the last 23 years as a Christmas tree geneticist. Who knew? Actually, that’s not a bad gig if you can book it. But now that I’ve been retired for a little over two weeks, I am finally able to pursue that rambling lifestyle that I dreamed of accompanied by my intrepid and adventurous best friend and wife, Jane. We probably won’t be jumping into many boxcars full of straw but instead we will be traveling in the relative safety and coziness of our new Winnebago View RV.
We’re excited that we’ll be shoving off in two days after anticipating and planning for this trip for months: working out all the problems of our new RV, getting the car set up for towing, new hybrid bikes, new bike rack, making arrangements for the house and Zorro (our black cat), etc. etc. etc. Well, for now I’m off to mow grass, trim shrubbery, start packing and to attend to a myriad other prep details. Hard to believe we’ll be launching soon!