Still Traveling

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Indian River Overlook
at Blue Canoe Campground
The Fresh Veggie Stop – Gambo Look Off

Today was another traveling day on our journey from the Newfoundland west coast to St. John’s on the east coast. Before departing the Blue Canoe Campground, we had a nice discussion about RVing in Newfoundland with our neighbor, Ray, who is from St. Phillip’s (near St. John’s). We then took a short hike at the campground to the Indian River overlook, and after, continued along the Trans Canadian Highway. We stopped for lunch at an information center along the way and ate a light meal on one of their picnic tables. Later, we pulled over to buy some fresh local vegetables at what turned out to be the scenic Gambo look off. We arrived at the Terra Nova National Park welcome center around 3:30. After gathering some information, we then backtracked a bit to the Malady Head Campground (pronounced mah-LODDY). These sites are not serviced but we were able to fill the fresh water tank on the way to our site. Setting up was easy, we only had to level the rig. We had some free time, so we worked a small jigsaw puzzle on the picnic table. Although we opened it new on the site, three pieces were missing. Jane obsessively scoured the gravel around the picnic table for the missing pieces while also cleaning up all matter of trash bits. We then snacked for dinner and rode to the picnic shelter to join a campground sing along. We arrived just in time to participate in the last four songs. We sang Canadian camp songs plus “This Land is Your Land” with the lyrics referencing Canadian geography. I guess, Woody Guthrie was Canadian, eh? Jane’s chatting with her mom now and we will be heading to bed soon to have nightmares of missing puzzle pieces.

Newman Sound behind the Terra Nova Visitor Center
Jigsaw Puzzling in the Wilderness

Three Missing Pieces

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